Why don't we take a trip back to Halloween! Our friends Allie and Matt really got us into carving pumpkins. If you know these guys, they are pretty much professional pumpkin carvers. Last year I did Austin Powers and Trav did Bob Marley. This year I attempted Dr. Evil, but to my dismay his face caved in. Since I was pretty upset that all my time went to waste, I decided I was not going to do another professional job, so I just carved an amateur spider from a pattern (lame). But Trav stuck to his guns and went all out and carved this little piece of awesome. Do you know what it is?
The cool thing about this baby was that it won 1st place in the pumpkin carving contest at Travis's school (there were only two contestants, he he) but we won $40 to the Cheesecake factory! Its good to know where all of our tuition money is going.
On Halloween we hung out with a bunch of our good friends. We ate soup and experienced a really scary haunted basement. The theme was to dress up like famous couples.

We were the best parents ever, Brit Brit and K-Fed
Moving on to Thanksgiving... Travis's parents came to visit and have Thanksgiving with us. We kind of had to cram them in our little apartment for a whole week, but we had a lot of fun. Travis's mom is a really good cook so I knew I had to have my "A" game on in the kitchen. But before the cooking fest went on we of course had to play football! We met up with a bunch of our friends and played for a couple of hours. It was fun but it was frickin' freezing!!! It definitely got our appetites going.
We own you Oman's!

I did the turkey (which we named Bill), with a lot of help and supervision from Mama Kath, it turned out really good! We really enjoyed our little intimate dinner with just the four of us. Then Papa John didn't surprise anyone with downing two ginormous pieces of pie. He probably had pie for breakfast and dinner the rest of the week. How is he not a diabetic?
Travis the Turkey
This is what they do while we slave away in the kitchen.
After Thanksgiving, we went and saw a lot of church sites such as Independence visitors center and the RLDS temple, etc. We also joined the masses for black Friday for a minute, we couldn't control Mama Kath with all the sweet deals!And of course we watched the Cougs thrash the Utes. Thank heavens above... we would've had two ornery fans for the rest of the trip if they would have lost. Thanks for hanging out with us Charles's!
And finally the start of Christmas! I can't believe it is already here. We had our first Christmas party of the year at the Hastings house. There were about 9 couples. We had tons of fun. We had dinner, then of course did the famous white elephant gift exchange. We took our pinata that we never used for Travis's b-day party back in September, full of candy I might add. It was definitely a hit. After that game we played Christmas pictionary. The girls kicked the boys bums! I think I got my first whiff of the Christmas spirit and am way excited!

I was so happy when I didn't see the top of the bachelors head... even though it's a gorgeous head!!! Looks like you've been having a good time out in Kansas! I can't believe you already had a Christmas party... carazy! I MISS YOU... It's getting close but it still seems like a long time until we shall meet again :) Oh, and inspired by your blog Merry Hallogiving.
I am so jealous that all of these friends get to spend time with you, but we cant :( We miss you Milli :( I leave to go to Ca on the 18th, so I hope that you are able to make it out here before then!
ps- could you be any cuter! i love that little outfit!
Hey best friend! I was hoping to see you update your life for me. The pumpkin was amazing! Even though I thought it was the maze from Labrinth (have you seen that movie or am I the dork now?) Anyway, very cute! And how impressed am I that you cooked a turkey? I cant even fathom! Will you be home for Niki's wedding? We are trying to plan on being there (that is where your reception was right?) but me and Ron are going away on an over nighter so we may be busy (wink wink, rrrrr ((tounge rolling)) Anyway, very fun stuff! Hope to see you soon!
we miss you guys. and you need to meet baby charlie. he is awesome, if i do say so myself. when are you guys going to be in utah??
Travis's pumpkin is incredible! Matt would be proud. Thanks for including me in being a professional, too. (In case you forgot, I usually end up doing triangle eyes, and a one tooth smile on my pumpkins. But this year I accomplished Celine and Zac Efron.)
I am really exicted for you to get your A back in Utah. I miss you, butthead. Love ya.
I'm glad to see there is no more whining this month. :) It sounds like a lot of people miss you guys. We, however, are lucky to have awesome friends like Milli and Travis (aka The Couple Up North) here in Kansas. You guys rock!
Yay new post for Millie! That is an awesome pumpkin and then good job with the turkey! You are just a little Martha Stewart.
I love the Halloween costumes. They are so great!!
Milli, Milli, I really like your curly hair. I swear it wasn't that long when we were visiting in Oct. Good to see you have almost as many people that love you guys in KC as in Utah! Can't wait to see you guys.
Ms. Milli... you are so cute! Hey... I forgot! I need your address so I can send you a Christmas card! Thanks honey!
Milli- I just emailed you! Check your junk email box if you don't get it- I sent it from my work! Thanks! :)
What a fun holiday !! Don't think that we are going to be Niki's wedding...didn't get an invite. My feelings aren't too Hurt :(. But anyway- Bry will be out there on the 30th and the kids and I will be there on Jan 4th...So crazy we are moving back in to BYU world, We are going to be soooo old out there especially with 2 kids !!
Hi Milli! It's so crazy-Todd worked with Daisy for a long time at Cottonwood hospital! Small world! Todd is back there right now interviewing at Kirksville today! He turned in his secondary to the school you are at too! I am keeping my fingers crossed. It would be so fun to live by you!
Milli, I have to tell you that you have inspired me. I now want to name everything. I think it is so funny! Do you have any suggestions for how to come up with names for things?
When are you going to be in Utah? We have to set up our date!
Perhaps we should all play Settlers?
It looks like you guys are having so much fun there! That makes me happy.
And I'm laughing cause you named the turkey Bill.
See you soon! Hugs
We had a great Thanksgiving that year!!! Thanks Milli and Travis.
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