Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tagged Again!

So today is Sunday and there is a major ice storm going on right now so church got cancelled!!! I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little excited to be able to just stay in my PJ's all day and not go out in that cold weather. The bummer part about it is that Travis has a huge midterm this Friday, so he is studying all day long. So boring! So far I have watched the Holiday, finished a book, knit a scarf, and now I'm blogging, but I'm not compaining at all, I just miss Travis sometimes even though he is sitting in the room next to me. Anyways, I was tagged twice by my friends so thought I would follow through. So here is it.
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Nutritionist
2. Customer Service Rep at 1800contacts (couldn't have done it without Allie there I miss Teej)
3. Waitress at Joe's crab shack
4. Hot dog on a stick girl... and was proud of it. It runs in the family.

B) Four movies I have watched over and over:
1. The Notebook
2. Dumb and Dumber (funniest movie ever)
3. The Holiday
4. The Princess Bride

C) Four places I have lived:
1. Overland Park, KS
2. South Jordan (for a second, but loved it!!!)
3. Provo
4. Draper

D) Four TV Shows that I watch:
2. House
3. 24
4. American Idol (and sometimes America's next top model... I got addicted even though it is such a dumb show)

E) Four places I have been:
1. Puerto Rico
2. Hawaii
3. Puerto Vallarta
4. Jamaica (for seriously 15 minutes... that story goes along with the burnt down cruise... maybe I will do a blog on that one some day... its a good story)

F) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Papa John (you can count on about 3 a day)
2. Brandi
3. My friends at work... they are hilarious
4. My mom

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Thai food
2. Cafe Rio salads
3. Cookies
4. Cheese... I eat it with everything!!!

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In Utah
2. In Phoenix
3. In Hawaii
4. In Thailand (always have wanted to go there, do you still want to go Erin?)

I) Things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. 2nd year of med school to be over with... can't wait... most of the studying will be over and i'm SICK OF IT!!!
2. Summer trips
3. Doing fun things with my KC friends
4. The 4th of July... best Holiday ever!
Ok, now that I am done I have to tag a couple of friends. I tag TC, Lauren, Mandy, Tam the Gram, Camille, and Travis. Good luck Y'all.


Anika said...

Yay! I'm glad you did it Milli! I loved reading your answers! It's snowing here too- but no ice storm!! Sounds cozy!! hehe

S&J Jones Family said...

I know the feeling, Spencer was studying yesterday and I miss him a lot when he's just in the next room. I made Spencer go to the store on Saturday night to get a cozy food for Sunday so that I could just hang out in my pj's too.

TC Jolley said...

Yeah, I know the feeling, it's cold here too, about 55 degrees... man I hate winter in Phoenix... they are brutal :) HAHA! LOVE YA!

Allie said...

I miss Teej, too. Him and all of his gayness.

Daisie said...

That was so fun to read Milli! I adore the Notebook and The Holiday as well! My favorite part of the Holiday, is Jack Black in the movie store! Can't wait to hang out again!!

Jess Perry said...

How fun to learn stuff about you! And I must say, I sort of got addicted to AMTM too. It is so stupid but so addicting. Trent makes fun of me..but oh well!

Allie said...

Along with Erin's comment, wasn't it Teej that you set up Lindsey with? Wait, it just came to me, it was some kid named Cole or something and he was obsessed with her. OH, I can't wait to reminisce with you.

Anika said...

Milli, are you surviving the ice-storm!???

S&J Jones Family said...

I updated, check it out! I miss going to knitting group too! I have had to go to practice Wednesday nights but I am singing Thursday so maybe I can come next time?? Then I'm going to MT for a couple weeks for Christmas & Spencer's sister's wedding...yay!

Tam the Gram said...

Ok Milli, I have been trying to catch up in two months, three years of stuff, so I will dutifully tag back soon.