Sunday, November 18, 2007


Beware... I am whining. I have just been feeling a little homesick lately. I don't know if its because the holidays are coming, or if it is because daylight savings happened (which makes things a little more depressing due to the fact that when I leave work it is dark) or if it is because a lot of fun things are happening back at home. I kind of feel like a baby because its not like I haven't visited. We were home for 10 days last Christmas, I went home again in January for my Grandma's funeral, I was home in May for the Charles's reunion and then again in August for my cousin's wedding. Looking at that, I can't believe I am venting about being homesick! I guess the fact that I wasn't there when Sadie had Annabelle and that I still haven't seen her makes it worse, or that all of my neices and nephews are growing up so fast I worry that they won't remember Trav and I (parents you better be showing them pictures of us nightly or so help me), or the fact that so many of my friends are getting married... 5 good friends have or will be married in the space of 3 months and I will only be at one of the the weddings. I despise the fact that we miss so many family get togethers and traditions such as Draper Days, the 4th of July, the Halloween family party, going out on dates with siblings and their spouses, etc. And a lot of my friends have had babies who are growing so fast as well. I wish I knew Ryan and Cannon better. I really miss my grandparents too. I love them so much and although they are very youthful and healthy, I never know how much time I will have left with them. I can't even imagine not having my Grandma Gladys. So anyways... I just want everyone to know that we think of you often and miss you tons. Don't forget about us and please please stay in touch. That is what really keeps me going. Relationships are the best things in the world. I have been sad to have lost connections with people from the past, but have learned so much from everyone I have come into contact with. Whoa, I'm going off. Don't get me wrong, I think this experience is great. I have always wanted to move away and have an adventure so I am grateful for this opportunity. All I wanted to say was that I am homesick! We are coming to Utah the 20th to the 29th of December so I hope I can see everyone. Love you all!


Tam the Gram said...

Milli, I am homesick too, oh wait, I am home! I truly had a melt down (yes, full out tears) when you sent us that picture of the Cider Mills. I think the whole kids moving away has finally caught up with me and I am now into the ANGER part of the grieving process. I will now use guilt, manipulation, and whatever else I feel will help to encourage each person to return. I know this sounds selfish and immature, I don't care--it is as simple as that. Grandkids shouldn't be away from their grandparents--even if they are in their 20's. I too miss the get togethers for birthdays, and the holidays. Nothing seems the same--"I am going off". We miss you--Milli come home or at least "phone" home. I love you!!!!

TC Jolley said...

I'm homesick too... wahhhhh! I miss you all :( and of course, I love you all too. I can't wait until we see each other in December.

Brandi Hastings said...

Good thing you have some AWESOME friends here in Missouri to keep you company!!! :) Without would be completely lost out here, right ? ? :)

Daisie said...

DITTO!!!!!!! I honestly can say that and I mean it! I too feel to spoiled to even complain, but I recently feel as well that everyone is growing up too fast and that they don't even remember me anymore!!! Oh Well, I am so glad that we have each other to relate! And Thank Goodness we are here, or else we would have never met! I don't even want to think about that one! Love ya!

Jess Perry said...

I am sorry! I think around the holiday's you always get a little more homesick. I know on my mission that is when it struck me the most at how much I missed everyone and everything!! Hang in there...Christmas is almost here!

Mandy said...

Oh Milli! You are so tough! I swear that when you were listing the times that you have gotten to come home, I was sick...that is all! I would be home every other week! Stealing plane tickets may not be a federal offense...check on that! Anyway, we should get together to hang out over christmas! So much fun to be had!
Keep your chin up beauty!

J and E Mayfield said...

Sure love ya millhouse and wish we could play all the time. I look forward to a few years down the road when we'll all be back in Utah and it'll be just like the good old times. Think of how fast the time has already gone by. I can't believe you guys have been gone for over a year. Thanks for being such a great friend!

Jim Oman said... were'nt kidding about the whining! ;)

Lauren Perry said...

We are homesick for you too! Cannon has been asking about that nice lady that he met at the bbq- I just tell him that she lives in the middle of nowhere known as the mid-west, but that she will be home soon! I was having softball memories, and I miss the good old days :) You will be home before you know it!

Allie said...

I promise my eyes welled up in that blog. Millhouse, you must move back to Utah. I'm home but I'm homesick for my friends. Everyone moves away from me. (seriously, I scare people away and they move to other states. Two of my boyfriends in the past moved away to get away from me :)
Anyway, the news of Jerin moving to SAn Fran about put me over the top!First Stacie, then you, then Britt, then Jess, now Erin. WHY CAN"T EVERYONE STAY IN UTAH????