Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Staying Sane

The day before we got home from Arizona, it dumped on Missouri. We have had 1 or 2 more storms since. I'm all about snow... in the WINTER (snow is acceptable from December 1st to February 18th in my book*). I'm for sure not a homebody, and my kids are the wiggliest creatures, so these are the following things we have been doing to stay sane:

1) Snow

Even though it snowed after the acceptable date*, we still partook of it. We had some good times.

Travis even got to miss some work

Avery was an all star in the snow... Brooklyn well... she looked cute in her snow clothes?

2) Picking out our own outfits
Alright, some outfits were downright hideous, but to be honest, some worked. I think Avery has some talent in the fashion world. She is very concerned about what she wears, but not so much if her hair is done. In fact, she prefers that it is not done. Maybe that will be the new fad in 10 years. I tell you, she knows.

3) Bathing

Its not only an act of hygiene, but also an event

Its fun to do on the side of the tub

Or even in the sink

4) Lounging around

No description needed

5) Venturing out

Brooklyn is training for the 2026 summer Olympics.... and she likes cone hats

Avery is training to be a fire woman
She is getting really good

 This is her backup plan

And Brooklyn just starts at the top, naturally

If it doesn't work out, Avery can always fall back to what she knows best

We dream big

Sometimes we go to Walmart and pretend all the toys are ours

I'm pretty sure Brooklyn things they really are ours

6) And finally, when there was ever the slightest nice day, we would take full advantage and go out.

We are going to miss the KC zoo! Oh and the Romney's, but we will save this speech for another post!

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think Spring is here and it might be staying.... WELCOME FRIEND!

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