Monday, September 3, 2012

Best Weekend Ever!

Allie is one of my best friends. I met her in college. We eventually shared a room. We go way back. She has come to visit Trav and I about 4 times since we moved to Kansas City. I would like to think its because she and her husband Matt love us oh so much. But the reality is, they just really love the Kansas City BBQ joints. Lets be honest, we are cool and everything, but if you want some amazing BBQ then you come to Kansas City.

We got used.

Jokes, we loved hosting the McFarland family. The kids got along great! Avery and Kate played for two days straight. For some reason though, Avery could not ever remember Kate's name, so she would say, "is 'a girl' sleeping over tonight," or "can I play with 'a girl'?" Sorry Kate, but I do have to say that after you left, she said, "that girl is my best friend." So I guess that means something?

We had a really fun time. We went to an open gymnastics gym, you know, for the kids, but I think the adults watched a little bit too much olympics. We tried to see if we had a chance for Brazil 2016. We don't.

We ate at Hawg Jaws BBQ for lunch, and it was delish. And of course, had to go to the famous Red X. Matt was in Heaven with the strange old man that stopped to shoot the breeze. For some reason he attracts that type. Lucky him.

Matt took some awesome pics of us on Saturday. Yes this is sort of a plug for you Matt, but don't get too excited, I think 4 people read my blog. If you are reading this, use this guy, he is one of the best in Utah!

Then of course, we went for the big guns that night, the famous Jack Stack BBQ! We got a babysitter for the kids, and lived it up that night, well once we found Jack Stack that is.... Travis! 

It was wonderful! I love you McFarland's! One day we will travel the world together!


Allie said...

Seriously! The best weekend ever!! Love you guys!

Tice said...

Allie... remember how you have friends in Phoenix?!!!!! Come visit, we may not have the best BBQ but come on, the catus out here is to die for... so beautiful... oh wait, that's not true!