Thursday, August 5, 2010

Only in Draper Utah

While I have been in Utah, I have done a lot of running and walking on the beautiful trails around my parents house. One morning, I went on a walk pushing Avery in the stroller. I didn't realize that Snikkers, my mom's dog, had followed us on the trail. She didn't have a leash, and she pooped on the trail (I tried to clean it the best I could), I was so embarrassed, but that's not the reason for this story. It was near the end of the walk, and I was really getting into my music, I suddenly realized that not only could I hear Snikkers footsteps behind me, but I heard another pair of feet clomping along. When I looked back, this is exactly what I saw...

Yes, a llama, or I guess it was an alpaca. And I'm not joking, it was that close to me. If you were driving on 13800 south and saw a girl in a green shirt jump a mile, well, I'm glad I could entertain you! I peed my pants a little and I probably burned more calories from my heart pumping then during the whole walk. The alpaca looked at me, and then headed home, and I just have to say to Snikkers, what the crap? You didn't even bark! Some guard dog! I love Draper, Utah!


Kate said...

ha!! That post just made my day!! Thanks Milli!! Too freakin' hilarious!!

Brandi Hastings said...

Okay, Jim and I are dying laughing right now. I wish that I was on a bench on the side of the trail watching this go on. That would have made my day.
Now, come back to KC... we miss you!

Jen R. said...

Oh my gosh. That is so weird and hilarious.

Allie said...

Shut, you did not see a llama! That is so funny!