Friday, September 25, 2009

The Now

I have been working on updating my blog more frequently so that I don't always have a huge amount to write about. Obviously I suck. Here is another novel...


As I mentioned before, he is on his 4Th year of medical school. This year is different because he gets to pick and choose where and what he wants to do for his rotations. He has mostly stacked his schedule with anesthesia rotations. He is, however, doing an ER rotation right now and is actually really liking it. Some of the stories he comes home with are not blog appropriate, but I will just say that one night Trav had to console a guy who had castrated himself because he didn't want to be a guy anymore. That's a hard one to relate to. Trav is thinking ER might be a second choice if he can't get into an anesthesia residency. Things are kind of stressful right now because its time to apply. Trav is still his laid back self though... I probably stress more than he does, I just need to remember, "come what may and love it!"

Besides the med school stuff, Travis is fully committed to BYU football. I'm pretty sure he can relate to "that time of the month" because one week he is ecstatic with the team, then the next week he is depressed. Darn FSU!

I thought it might be an adjustment from Utah to Missouri, but I fell right back into the swing. We have such good friends who we go to the park, go swimming and stay busy with.

The cool thing about a small city is that in those races, the annoyingly fast, tiny short wearing track stars don't usually show and and claim all of the glory; thus, I took second place in the female category. The best part was that I won 50 bucks! We can eat this next week!

I also wanted to show off some crafts I did in Utah. I made Avery a quiet book for churchThe reason that I am tooting my horn is because I am horrible in this area. My friend Rachel can tell you that when I attempt to sew, I get all sweaty and hot and it makes me say bad words. When I was a sophomore in high school, I got caught cheating in my ceramics class because I used my friends project from a different class. Not my best moment, but it just proves how bad I am at artistic things.
 Here they are, they aren't great, but I was proud that I actually finished them without any tears.
She has torn it up a bit but I'm just thrilled that it actually works, she is occupied for more than five minutes!

My next project was for TC and Anabelle. I wanted to make them matching aprons.


My mom's cousin helped me with TC's, but I was on my own with the small one, with NO PATTERN! I was wearing extra deodorant during this project. Avery is the model.

The last project was the easiest. I just made leg warmers for Halloween. You just cut the feet off of the sock and sew the bottom.
It was fun, but haven't touched a string of thread since. One day I hope I will get a sewing machine.


This is what happens when you leave this girl alone for 5 minutes. Don't be jealous of our bathroom floor!

Where do I begin with this girl? She is 11 months old, probably one of the busiest little girls alive, and so so sweet!
Her favorite things are climbing up the stairs, playing in my makeup bag, swinging on the swing set, and ritz crackers.
Most everyone thought that she would be walking by now because she has been pulling herself up since she was 7 1/2 months, but she doesn't seem too interested in it. If you have seen her crawl, you will notice her amazing speed. It would probably slow her down if she started to walk, and if anyone knows Avery, you don't mess with her agenda or she will let you have it!
She is still pretty small, but filling out a bit. She has eight teeth now and will bite your arm if you aren't too careful. She can say "Mama, Dada, Doggie, Ah-Ow (when she drops something), Night Night, Bye-Bye" and "Kitty".
Every age she grows into quickly becomes my favorite. It is so neat to see when the light finally goes on and she understands a new thing.
So that is the latest and greatest. Hopefully I can get my act together and post shorter and more frequent posts. Things are good around here. This past week, our townhome got renovated. I will post pictures of that soon. We are excited that it is fall. In my opinion, its the best season in Kansas City!


Papa John said...

Too much to comment on at one time...but the thing that got my attention the most was Avery's Quiet Book! What a loving mother and a labor of love...Trav, go out and get that Anesthesia Residency man!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

Way to go on the race! That is so awesome! I am way impressed with your crafts! Also Avery is super cute!!! Hope everything works out well this 4th year for you guys!

Allie said...

I love that little bugger. She is so dang cute and getting so big! (I'm talking about Avery...)

I really like that quiet book! I'd say teach me, but lets be honest, can you just make me one?

Sounds like you are doing great and if I remember right, you are getting into the months with no hubby, so let me know what your plans are and maybe we can get some flights lined up :)

Brandi Hastings said...

I'm totally impressed with your crafting skilz. I need to make a quiet book for Nate but I just don't have the patience! Maybe Avery can bring it over and they can read together. It will give her another excuse to lay the moves on him. :) :) You have taught her well! hehehe

Susan said...

Congrats on 2nd place! And great job with all your crafts. I especially like the quiet book.

The Ceder House's said...

I hate those short shorts wearing track stars too! Good job on second place! Cute crafts too!

Tam the Gram said...

I love the update, the "quiet book" brings back many memories, I never guessed you used extra deoderant, you seemed calm! Avery looks older in the blue clothes sitting in the bathroom. I love the closed-eyed, squint, smiley face the best--that pose always makes me smile BIG!

Andrus Family said...

I still can't believe you are that far into school - the end is in sight and that's exciting. Love that you did awesome in the race, that you are crafty, and your sweet Avery!!

TC Jolley said...

Seriously, she's so so so so so so so cute! And that's all I have to say about that.

Lechelle said...

Love all your crafts! you are super-talented, despite what you say.