Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Funny Man

Did anyone catch Conan's big opening show on Monday? Well I didn't. I fell asleep at 10:25. But I did Tivo it and watch it the next day. Would it be ignorant to say that Conan O'Brien is the funniest man on the planet? If you don't think this man is funny than we don't have the same humor. Who am I to judge though?

I do have to say that I am a bit of a late night talk show guru. I remember the days of Arsineo Hall (does that date me?). I would throw my fists at the TV and hoot and holler just because that was what you did. I didn't really appreciate late night until I was maybe in middle school. Correct me if I am wrong Mom, but I don't recall having a set bed time when I was that old. I remember staying up to watch David Letterman's top ten, then I would go to bed. I loved Letterman. Then he started getting all political and belligerent. So I moved on to Leno.

Leno just reminded me of a nice uncle. He was funny, but I never really laughed too hard. In high school, I had a midnight curfew. When you are a teenager sometimes those late nights contain drama. Maybe the boy I liked didn't talk to me, or my friends were being weird. Instead of going home and crying myself to sleep on my huge pillow, I would wind down with a bowl of cereal while watching Conan. This probably saved my parents millions on therapy (jokes, my teenage years were actually a piece of cake, it was those darn college years).
5 years ago, when they announced that Conan would take over for Jay in 2009, I jumped for joy because staying up till 11:37 pm was tough for me. I can't recall how many times this man brought me to tears. In fact, my cheeks were a little wet watching last nights show, that "twit of the week" bit got me good!

There is just something about finishing your day off with a good laugh. I hope Conan stays true and lives a good long life as the late night king... I just appointed him to that position but hopefully you will agree, if you don't than your humor is LAME (and if you took offense to that, then this post is probably really making you mad)!


Jeanette said...

I LOVE him too. We didn't see it, but totally wanted to. I'll have to find it online! He does crack me up, more than any of them, and his hair is the best! I love your cute little Avery army crawling. What a fun Memorial day. Cute way to post it!

Brandi Hastings said...

I will second that post. Loved his shopping spree on Rodeo Road. I hope that he is on for years. Although I wonder what he will look like when his red fro trademark starts thinning :O

Papa John said...

I am so glad Conan makes YOU laugh...
but there is absolutely no one that will ever top Johnny Carson...they broke the mold when he came to the Tonight Show...

Allie said...

I have been waiting for this week for a long time. Conan could stab me in the back and I would laugh my head off. I love him and love that is on at 10:30 now. Great post, Milli!

Jordan said...

I almost always have a bowl of cereal while I watch his show too. He is easily the best there is!

Boydston Family said...

When arsenio was on you must have been in 3rd grade or something. I guess when you start that young you become a guru of sorts. Your baby girl is adorable. Hope all is well

John and Erin said...

Aah this post reminds me of watching Conan with you in are good old days! The Rodeo Drive skit killed me.

Dave said...

conan rocks!