Back story: When I was a kid, I wanted to get my ears pierced so so bad! My dad had a very strict rule, we had to be 16 before we got our ears pierced. I remember when I was 12 all I wanted for Christmas was to just get my darn ears pierced! Well my punk older sister told me that she overheard our parents talking, and they agreed that I would get my ears pierced! I was so elated. Well come to find out, she thought it would be a funny joke, and she made all that up. He was sticking to his ridiculous rule of being 16. I was so mad! What a jerk (both him and my sister)! Anyways, when I turned 16, I didn't even care to get them pierced, so I didn't actually get them done till I had graduated high school!
Back to this story: Travis and I had never talked about how old our kids had to be to get their ears done. So we talked about it, and neither of us really cared. We knew Avery was super responsible, and deep down inside, I just wanted to rebel against my dad's ridiculous rule and show him that a nine year-old can actually handle holes in her ears! So she did it! She was nervous, but in the end, it didn't really hurt that bad, despite her annoying little sister consistently telling her that it was going to kill! I got a before picture, but forgot to get the after, whoops!
Hopefully this parenting decision won't lead to a life of piercings and tattoos! Maybe my dad was on to something with his rule? We shall see!