Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Travis and the mid 30's

Travis just entered the mid 30's. If you ask him how he feels, the truth is, he's got arthritis, an injured knee, a busy work schedule, not nearly enough sleep and three pretty demanding women at home. But his answer would be, "I feel like a million bucks."

This man never complains about anything. He is happy in any situation. At times, I have been bothered by this, because in a sense it can tend to make the guy a tad complacent, but really, we all should be a little more like Travis Charles.

His best friend, Chris Johnson, calls him Simpleton.

Its kind of true. Travis is simple. OK, he's not a dummy or anything, he is just easy. Easy to please, easy to love, easy to have around.

So, I asked Simpleton what he wanted to do for his birthday. All he wanted was to be with his girls. So that is just what we did.

His birthday was on a Sunday, so on Friday, the 27th, we went to the Cheesecake factory.

We had an ipad, an itouch and went on about 4 walks with Brooklyn, but we did it without causing a scene. (We have really busy kids.)

On his actual birthday, we surprised him and took him to the new Kansas City temple for a pumpkin pie picnic. Well it was supposed to be a surprise, until Avery shouted out in the car that we were going to the temple. Don't tell that girl anything!

It was the saddest thing, because Brooklyn was really sick that day! She just laid there while Travis and Avery frolicked around.

It was a nice and simple birthday. I like simple. Thanks Trav! We love you.


Mama Kath said...

Wish we could have been there! Poor Brooklyn. So glad she is better!!!!

Papa John said...

Simpleton huh? Never thought of Travis in those terms. I have always thought "narcoleptic". Because if there are 10 people in the room and just enough places to sit for everyone, that guy will pick the biggest couch, and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzin in about two minutes.

Unknown said...

Cause I'm a simmmple, Kiiiind of MAAAAN. Simple man, simple needs. I'm with ya, bro.

Temple pic rocks with Avery is pretty cool, by the way.

Tam the Gram said...

Trav may be simple, but he sure is a lot more. He is kind, a good cookie froster, a good political conversationalist (I think that's a word), he stops time to just be, he blows up an air mattress like no other, he truly loves his girls--I really like this about him.