Wednesday, April 13, 2011


For one of my new year's resolutions, I decided I was going to blog more often. I did good for awhile. Then two kids happened. I got lazy. Two kids is tough. I will be honest. I thought it wouldn't be that big of a change. I thought going from zero to one kid would be tougher. You quit your job, you become a stay at home mom, you can't just get up and go see a movie with your husband, all that stuff happens when you have a kid, so I thought it would be a cinch to adjust to two kids. Boy was I slapped in the face with reality. It really has been tough. The thing is, I was blessed with probably the easiest baby God could have given me. Really. She sleeps about 12 hours a night with only one night feeding in the middle. She only cries when there is something wrong. She smiles a ton. She doesn't mind her very hands on sister and she loves to cuddle with me! The hard part is the two year old. I love that kid with all of my heart, but lately she has turned into a diva. We are working on it with her, but some days I have to go into another room and pull out my rug and chant. Between my needy two year old and my baby, who I think is perfect but unfortunately still needs to eat, poop and sleep, I have had very little time to myself. Blogging hasn't been on my top list of things to do when I have "me" time. Thirty Rock sounds a lot more appealing (I just started watching the first season, and it is amazing, why have I not watched it ever, Tina Fey is rocking my world, but this is for another blog).

Anyway, I have to talk about last Wednesday, and this kind of explains our lives right now... last Wednesday I was excited because I had plans to go to the library for story time, then go to the park with some friends. Avery woke me up about 7:30 and we started the day. We had breakfast, I even folded all of my laundry. I packed lunches, even showered and got ready for the day. I had both of my girls ready, with bows in their hair. This is huge for us! We were actually going to be on time for the library, I just had to get the keys and go. Oh wait, where where the keys? Hmmmm I couln't find them. This always happens though, and they usually are located within 5 minutes. Not this time. I looked for about ten minutes. I remembered that Trav was the last one to drive the car, so I called him at work, and he remembered seeing them in a weird place, but couldn't remember where. Crap. Time was ticking, and I was starting to get anxious. I did another sweep of the house and nothing! We were now officially late for story time. I decided to give up on the idea of story time and take a break from the keys. The next thing I know, my neighbor, Jana is knocking on my door. Travis had called her to come and help me find the keys. Ha! I told her not to worry about it (she has 3 kids of her own!) The next thing I knew, Travis was home from work on his lunch break. He must have felt really bad, so he wanted to come and help me. He looked for about 30 minutes and nothing. We were starting to think that Avery snatched them right up. So Travis went back to work. After he left, I got a call from him. He got a ticket! These missing keys were suddenly becoming a little expensive. I put Avery down for a nap, and searched a little more. When she woke up, there was diarrhea all over her and her bed. It was the nastiest smell ever!!! I was starting to lose it a bit. After I got Avery out of the tub, all the bedding and clothes into the laundry, etc I decided to give it up and just get back in my sweats. I tried, I really did. Anyway, after a difficult day with the diva and the keys and all that I started breaking down. Avery is a sucker for tears, so when she saw me, she came out of diva mode and was very sweet and comforting. Travis is also a sucker for tears, so he told me to take it easy and he would put Avery to bed. So nice, but I guess Brooklyn can see right through the tears, because she started bawling hysterically. I think she may have had the same stomach bug as Avery. Anyway, after a while of trying to console her, she finally fell asleep. Travis came down from putting Avery down and had a theory. Our downstairs bathroom toilet was a little backed up, he proposed that Avery flushed the keys down the toilet. He then proceeded to take the toilet apart and fish around. He came to the conclusion that he was wrong. And then he came to another conclusion that he couldn't put the toilet back together. I came to the conclusion that he should probably try to stick to the world of medicine, not plumming. So now we have no downstairs toilet, an expensive speeding ticket and no second car access. At this point, I just had to laugh. The rest of this story is kind of lame. I found the keys the next day under the bed under a blanket. I swear on my first born, we looked there.

The reason I wrote this whole story down is really just for me. 20 years from now, I will read about what life was like with young kids. I will be eating Turkish delight aboard my yacht in the Bahamas and just laugh to myself about the "growing times of my life." I'm so grateful for a sweet husband, good family and great friends (if you all stay true, you will be invited on my yacht.)

I have been such a slacker with posting pictures of Brooklyn. So I'm going to dedicate this post to her with tons of pictures. I love her.

OK Avery, you can be in one too. I love you.


The Ceder House's said...

Oh man. Exactly how I felt. Everyone said it takes a couple of months to be back to normal. Umm.. we are going on 7 months so I will let you know what that happens. It HAS gotten a little better though. Some days we actually get out of the house and sometimes my house is actually clean at the end of the day. There is hope:) I describe the first few months with two kids as HE double hockey sticks.

Jen R. said...

ah so sad. I hate those days. I wish we could all be less prideful and call eahcother during those days and I'll come take over and you can go on a walk or take a bath or something. I straight up walked out of bed time last night. Declared that I was DONE and disappeared. also...i want on that yacht. The turkish delight part made me giggle.

Anonymous said...

Milli, you are a rock star! Going from 1 to 2 was a rough transition for me too. I PROMISE it will get easier. Your girls are amazingly cute and your posts always make me smile. Luv you girl!

Rachael Charles said...

What a GREAT journal entry for a such a NOT-GREAT day. Huge props to you for even trying to be organized. So I have something to look forward to, eh? Oh Milli! Brooklyn is a chubster!! What have you been feeding that girl? I miss you guys terribly. Let us know the dates you'll be in Utah so Wes and I can plan a VERY low-key, relaxing "reunion!" -Rach

paulnmea said...

Ah Milli, take comfort in knowing so many of us have been there and you can vent to us anytime!! Looking back to when Owen and Mack where that age it was THE HARDEST, but now that they are a little older you will forget how hard it is. I swear! And I am totally impressed you were showered that day. Somedays it takes me until bedtime to shower. You are rockin' the two kids, though so keep your chin up:) Miss you.

Tam the Gram said...

That is one cute baby, and one good story. I am so glad the story had a happy ending. . . is the toilet fixed?

Love you, glad you have the ability to keep it all real and have a good perspective.

tiffany boardman said...

Oh it's good to hear others go through stuff like that too. It is so worth it though right? ha jk it is totally worth it. I wish we lived by eachother so bad!

Papa John said...

The Millster sure did go through it alright! Good on ya Milli for keeping it together!
Had Dr. T been able to use some of his creativity about having to save a life, or borrowed from his mother's imagination, that "ticket" would have been turned into a "warning" in the twinkling of an eye.
His heart was good though in coming home to help out!!!
And yes, we would love to join you in the Bahamas one day!

Allie said...

A- How are you just learning about 30 Rock?? Tracy Jordan will make you piss your pants sometimes.

B- Brooklyn is so cute! I love her. And Avery:)

C- I better be on your yacht with you. Right next to you. In fact, lets go next year.

Mandy said...

I love that story and it makes me smile so very big. I remember the first weeks with 2 I seriously thought I was going to be placed in an institution. It was terrible and I felt terrible and I wanted to sob hystirically each day. So I did. Expecially when my mom called, she always had the ability to make me feel like a little girl again so I cried like a little girl.
Take it easy, it will get better, and if not you can always sell one.
By the way, Brooklyn is so cute, I love her changing looks. Sometimes she looks just like her sis, sometimes she is completly different and in one I swear she looks just like one of my girls baby pics.
Love you

Crystal said...

I read your blog the other day and thought about it alot. It really made me feel like I am not the only one who has these days! I look around at all the dressed up mommas, clean houses all the time, clean and hair done kids and i wonder where the heck i go wrong. It is hard and after I had my 3rd i decided this is the hardest thing i have ever done. Its getting better and I think I have come to the conclusion that I am just simply a mom..without much of a life, and I used to be kinda cool! Just keep on keepen on and it will get easier. Miss ya

Andrus Family said...

LOVE this post - so relatable! See ya in 30 years on the yacht!