Monday, June 21, 2010

The evolution of Travis

Hi. Were you wondering if our cruise burnt down again? Well, no, it didn't burn down it was actually lovely, we've just been busy and a little lazy. I have a lot of catching up to do but thought this one was most important!
This was Travis's being born stage... September 30Th 1977 in Angelos City, Philippines
This was his toothless stage. Can you see the BYU brainwashing beginning?
This was his pouting stage... wonder where Avery gets it

This was his speedo stage. Sad I missed it, just look at those gams.
This was his ball-er stage. It was quite a long stage of his life.

This was when he graduated from high school. This post is not about me, but I do have to add that I was graduating from the 6Th grade at that time.

This was his missionary stage. He went to Argentina. Those kids really loved him. Also, the people thought he was Jim Carey

This was his bachelor stage at BYU. Again, this was quite a long stage of his life. Rumor has it that Travis was a bit of a cuddle slut.
Along with his bachelor stage, another rumor has it that he went through a "not wearing a shirt" stage, kind of sad I missed that one too.

Lots of people wondered if this would ever happen to Travis, but it did. This was his falling in love stage, hopefully he is still in this stage!

Unfortunately the honeymoon stage had to end early, because 5 months later we packed our bags and moved to Kansas City to start medical school.
This was his white coat ceremony (side note: At one point, I accidentally dyed his coat pink... don't worry, I fixed it)
This was his first day of medical school

This was the first day of second year

First day of third year
At this point a lot of stages are going on. Of course his "in love stage" has been on fire the whole time :) along with his medical school stage. Now we introduce the fatherhood stage in Trav's life.I think he likes this stage most of all.
This is his first day of 4Th year, he looks really excited!

Now were getting closer to his present stage, but before that here is his graduating from medical school stage. It was a pretty neat day!

Now is his present stage. He is in his husband, father and now doctor stage. For some reason I get embarrassed to say he is a doctor, because this is who we are talking about.

He started his residency 2 weeks ago. It still feels weird that we are starting this phase. We have a long way to go, and residency is going to be really tough, but we are excited!
Oh and Travis has his own business card...
I may have to make an appointment some days so that I can actually see him!!!
I don't want to get too cocky, because he is still pretty dangerous and could kill some people, but Travis, good job on everything. We have had some crazy times in medical school. Thanks for all of your hard work and for dedicating so much time into learning how to be the best doctor. I know you will be amazing and you will love what you are doing in life! Thanks for finding a good living to support your family... I know one day we will see it!
That would have normally been a good ending to a post, but since I didn't really do a post on his actual graduation, I wanted to just throw in some more pictures of it. 

Add caption

Brandi and Me

Orson and Jim

A lot of his buddies

The wives wanted a little bit of glory too

So did she

Also big thanks for our parents. They were so supportive!


Brandi Hastings said...

Cool post Milli! (This is Jim)

Allie said...

Love this post. Well, since you are married to a doctor now, I will trade you buddy passes, family pictures, and dance lessons for a free epidural and prescriptions, and any other medical service me or my family will be in need of. Its totally fair. said...

Deal (sucker).

Miriam Ika Marshall said...

love the post milli, you are so creative!! congrats on the next stage of life, we miss you lots here!!

Papa John said...

I gotta say I loved this blog...
Just a few comments...the so called "brainwashing" of Dr. T. started the day I learned his mother had conceived...yep, that's right. We often had little conversations in the Adamic language as he lay in the womb. It happened to all four children, and look what happened...all Y Grads! And if you think this post is just a little weird, you are spot on!! Love ya Trav!

Tam the Gram said...

Very sentimental post. . . I really do love you both an am very grateful for both of your hard work, good parenting, and humor. I am thinking that there has been a baby switch at the hospital due to the fact that Brayden Jolley looks so much like Travis!
I absolutely love your new blog photo--cudo's to the photographer. Avery looks bored!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

Congrats to you both! That is so exciting!

byronandniki said...

Great job Doc! You're the best Trav. And Milli, you're alright too. After reading this I wish two things. One, that I was better at updating my blog. And two, that sid was a little taller. Poor guy is just trying to get in the family picture...

Tracie said...

Travis...I have changed my mind. Avery looks more like Milli. You were an ugly baby:)

Daisie said...

Congrats to Trav! Way to go! I am so very impressed that he is officially a Dr.!! And good job to you for surviving it so well too!