Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stinky Girl

Yesterday was a rough day for Avery and me. She was mean to Evie, her friend who came to play with her. She really exercised her lungs... that scream is deadly. She was irritable and wiggly and couldn't be entertained. I sort of lost it around dinner time and I yelled at her and told her to stop screaming.
After she was in bed, around 8 pm, I heard her coughing a lot. After a long cough episode I heard her crying. I waited a little while thinking maybe she would fall asleep, but she didn't. I went in there and picked her up, and she was all wet. At first I thought she had figured out how to open her diaper and that I was touching poop. But then I smelled and realized it was vomit! Then she started barfing more, all over me. I ran to the bathroom and she finished in the tub. Then I hollered for Trav to come up and he took care of the mess while I bathed her. She kept throwing up in the tub, but the strangest thing about it was that she was in a great mood in the tub, swimming in vomit and everything, especially compared to earlier that day.
We got her out of the tub and decided to take her downstairs while we watched American Idol, so we could monitor her. I loved that she let me hold her the ENTIRE time! She continued to upchuck, even with nothing in her little tummy, she was dry heaving the whole time, but still in good spirits. We decided we didn't want her to be alone in her crib all night, so we made her a small little bed next to our bed for the night. My mom used to do that for us when we were sick. We were prepared with rags, a small bucket and just knowing that we were in for a long night. It started again about 2 hours later. So I brought her in bed with me. By this time my t-shirt was soiled along with our couch downstairs, two pairs of PJ's, our bed sheets, pillows and a ton or rags and blankets. She was wiggly and had a couple more barfing episodes through the night. It was a pretty sleepless night.
She woke up at around 7 and I begged Travis to take her downstairs and to let me sleep. Thanks Trav, I seriously needed that! When Trav left for work, and I was up, Avery was feeling a lot better. She was sort of keeping stuff down, but then the scoots started! So much fun!
I took advantage of the situation and she let me hold her the whole morning. All we did was listen to Regina Spektor. I don't know if it was the music or what, but with the nasty smells and all, I was in Heaven and I hadn't even worked out, or showered or cleaned. Its funny how the tables can turn so fast. I was about ready to beat her yesterday, and not even 24 hours later, all I wanted to do was squeeze her. Having kids is such a surreal thing. I recommend it, even with orneriness, loud screams, stinky poops, getting barfed on and all! I love that girl. Sorry I got mad at you Avery!


Papa John said...

Yes, the ongoing saga of mommydom...daddydom...and of course, babydom...all wrapped into one neat lil package of every emotion...

Mandy said...

I love all the feelings of being a mommy too. And they happen so fast, one second you look at them like they are complete crazy strangers and the next you squeezing them with all your might. Sorry Avery, but I agree, sometimes they are so crazy cute when they are sick and cuddly!

Allie said...

We've had a similar situation, except it was me doing all the barfing, and Kate taking care of me. Fun times!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

Poor little girl! No fun for you either. Being a mom is the best but it is a lot of work! You are a great mom!

Brandi Hastings said...

Wow... she looks so big in that last picture!
What a good Mommy giving her extra snuggle time. I hate it when my kids are sick but that is when you get the most cuddle time.
I'm glad that she is feeling better, she has her boyfriends big 1 year old bday party to go to tomorrow!!
Love ya Avery :)

Tam the Gram said...

Motherhood/parenthood is such an amazing thing! I think that the greatest lesson (among many) is the level of love obtained. Your words radiate love for Avery. Miss, miss, miss you guys. How was the party?

Sarah Oman said...

Don't worry, we didn't get sick. I am assuming you were wondering...:)
Evie did the same thing as Avery did to the twins when they came over. I think it's a "mine" thing. No hard feelings!

Daisie said...

I completely agree with the emotional up and down feelings of being a parent!! So sorry to hear about your up chuck sessions! Throw up is the worst!! Can't wait to get together with you soon!